Welcome to the YASEP's website !

version 2016/08/07 - standalone/noJS

What is the YASEP ?

    The acronym "YASEP" means "Yet Another Small Embedded Processor". It's a family of original, Free, configurable (16-bit or 32-bit) microcontroller cores, meant to be quite small and as simple as possible (well, that's the original idea).

    The YASEP is also an experiment in computer design methodologies. The architecture exists in the form of a standalone HTML5 application that contains (and generates) VHDL source code, an architecture simulator, an assembler, a disassembler, a SPI memory Flasher, a manual, configuration tools, and much more! Every part is integrated in the others (and vice versa), so the whole remains (mostly) coherent, easy to use and quick to develop, fix and maintain. By extension, the YASEP is also a testbed for a modular toolset (using the dynamic YGWM framework) that will be re-used for other projects, in particular to design other CPU architectures such as F-CPU.
    You will find some background on this project in the application's documentation, in the archives, in the blog and in these presentations: EHSM2012 (english) and JMLL2012 (french).

Happy clicking !

Play and download

Choose your pill: the red-blue or the blue-red ?

You can download the whole YASEP web application (source code, pages, documentation, tools, etc.) from the archives or from the application's menu, as a single file in .tar.bzip2 format. You can test the YASEP at home and play with the source code at will.

Note : if you want to use certain features (like file save/load), you'll need to modify your computer configuration. Install Apache under GNU/Linux, or EasyPHP under MS Windows. The SPI Flash tool needs a Raspberry Pi and some circuitry.

The YASEP's features and characteristics

The following diagram shows all the details of the structure of a typical microYASEP implementation:


However the YASEP project is still not considered ready. The new instruction set format has broken many tools that need to be rewritten and cleaned up. The whole code base is being reviewed, starting from the YGWM framework that has grown beyond expectations. YASEP2014 obsoletes the previous architectures and should not change radically again. But time was devoted to other work (such as PCB) and the YASEP2015 milestone is late.

A lot of work remains...

The YASEP on the web

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